Tag: mat

  • A very useful kitchen companion

    A very useful kitchen companion

    This Silicone Baking Mat works really well. I was not sure as to how well the mat would grip the surface of my worktop and if it would slip when kneading dough. This was not the case and the mat stayed adhered to the kitchen work surface even when I was trying to make it…

  • The proof is in the lack of sticky pudding

    The proof is in the lack of sticky pudding

    Whilst my wife cooks I occasionally bake and it’s normally either bread or sticky treats. I like the size of these silicon baking sheets as there are so wide. Just a little less then the width of the oven. So to give them a good test, I decided to make something vary sticky to bake…

  • Safety first in the bath

    Safety first in the bath

    In one of the bathrooms we have a shower head over the bath and as the bath is a few years old, it has no type of grip or anti-slip on it’s base. The current mat has seen better days and does not cover the entire bottom of the bath. So I purchased this particular…