We suffer from mosquitoes and fruit flies in the kitchen but not anymore

We are always looking at ways to reduce the number of flying insects that find their way into our kitchen. We have put in a number of devices this year to reduce or eliminate them and now we have a new defence. We have been considering this option for a number of months because we very often have the kitchen door open.

This magnetic door screen was very quick and easy to install. I firstly cleaned the surface of the external frame and then wiped it down with alcohol. This makes sure that the surface is clean and free from any greasy deposits. I then pealed the backing off of the Velcro roll, supplied, and fitted it across the top outer surface of the door frame. Once this was complete I then fixed the tape to the left and right hand side of the door frame. The magnetic door screen was then very quick to install. I started at the top to make sure it was secure and level. Then, I fixed it down each side making sure that the screen was tight but did not leave a gap. That was it, done.

To conclude, this was very easy to fit and works really well. Just remember to tell your wife you fitted it. I didn’t and she got a shock when she opened the kitchen door, although she is very happy with it.

I received this product at a reduced rate for an honest and unbiased review which I have given after using this product. This fact has not influenced my review in any way.

I do hope you found this review useful.






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