This is a great product that has many uses. I am currently using it to setup all of the radiators in the house.
Now it’s that autumnal time of year it’s time to fire up the central heating. It would appear that my boys have been playing at some point during the summer and all of the thermostats need to be reset. Because you only have a numbered dial from 1 to 5, there is no way of knowing what the particular temperature is. However, with is infrared thermometer, all becomes much easier.
By turning the radiator thermostat all the way down, you can first take a cold reading with this infrared thermometer. Then, a little at a time, you can turn each radiator up, let the temperature stabilise, and take a reading. One by one you can eventually set an optimum temperature for each radiator in each room.
This was just the first thing I used the infrared thermometer for, but there will be many more.
I received this product at a reduced rate for an honest and unbiased review which I have given after using this product. This fact has not influenced my review in any way.
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