I hate wasting food and anything that I can do to keep food fresh for longer, that does not involve additives, can only be a good thing.
This is a great product and I have been sealing all manner of items for a number of days now. I have grown a number of chills this year so they were first to be vacuum sealed. Firstly they were washed and dried and I selected the small bag to seal this food item. The chills were added and spread around the complete bag area leaving about 2 cm at the top. The open end of the bag was then placed haft-way between the vacuum area, approximate 1 cm over the grey rubber cushion that is located directly below the heating element. Close the lid and press each side until you hear it click shut. Yo are the ready to go. With the appropriate food type selected, dry in this case, press the vacuum seal button. The air will start to be sucked out and the bag will start to retract around the food. Once all of the air is out of the bag the unit will start to labour a little until the vacuum pump stops and the seal light comes on. The heating element is now sealing the edge of the bag maintaining the vacuum in the bag and therefore keeping your food fresh for longer. With all the air removed this bag of chills is very flat and takes up very little room in the freezer. It also makes it very is to label food as the bags can be easily written on and with a permanent pen, does not rubber off within the freezer. You can store far more food in your freezer when all the packaging air is taken out of the equation.
I have every tried sealing bananas. When it comes to bandannas we quite often have one or two, out of a bunch, start to turn a little too brown for my fussy boys. By sealing a couple of the bunch, this time is greatly increased and so you have fresh bananas and no more importantly, no waste.
For sealing items such as bread rolls, select dry food, press the vacuum seal button and wait until enough air has been sucked out and the rolls are about to be quashed. Pres the cancel button and then immediately press the seal only button. Using this method you can vacuum seal soft foods without squashing them flat. Bread suffers very badly from freeze burn if not seal and so this method of removing as much air as possible and sealing will help greatly.
This is so easy and simple to use, my 7 and 8 year old boys, under supervision, were using it.
To conclude, this is not just a great kitchen gadget, it really can help save to loads of money and keep food fresh of far long in the fridge, or depending of the type of food, for 1 or 2 years in the freezer.
I received this product at a reduced rate for an honest and unbiased review which I have given after using this product.
I do hope you found this review useful.
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