It’s party disco time

My boys absolutely love this. It was not the best idea showing them it just before bedtime but it needed to be dark to get the full effect. The lights move around the room and change colour but the fun starts when the music is switched on. The LED lighting unit has a tiny microphone and so the lights can flash and change colour in response to the music. The lights inside are always moving using some sort of slow moving internal motor. It is very quiet and you can only just hear it if there is no music on.

I’m going to mount it, with the lighting mount and thumb screws provided, over in one of the general use rooms in the house. I’ll fit a sound system and some speakers and the boys can then have their friends over for disco nights.

This is a very impressive unit for it’s size. It is very light weight and can be mounted very easily. The running cost with this type of LED lighting is just so low in comparison to the older style disco light bulbs.

I’m looking to get another one or two more units to get lots of angles and area covered with flashing lights.

I can talk about this but the proof is when you see this unit in action so the only way this unit can be correctly reviewed is to see it in operation. So attached is a video I shot in my youngest boys bedroom. There is no music so as not to cause copyright issues.

I received this product at a reduced rate for an honest and unbiased review which I have given after using this product. This fact has not influenced my review in any way.



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