An Excellent Rucksack / Backpack for Kids, Mums and Dads

I would normally spend a lot of money on a rucksack to make sure I get a quality product like the Berghaus Rucksack I use on a daily basis.  For work in the week and out with the family at the weekend it gets a lot or use and I expect a lot from it.  That was until I received this new Multi-compartment Doodle Backpacks from Veevan.

This backpack is very well designed, very well made, looks great, is lightweight and very spacious. It is full of lots of internal pockets for storing everything from a pen to a laptop with two external netting pouches for drink bottles, or in my case, my house and car keys.  On the rear of the rucksack there are two well cushioned pads that run down each side from top to bottom.  They do not cover the entire rear of the rucksack  but this will be to stop your back getting too hot and sweaty.  The padding is lightweight and mesh covered for breathability.  The extra large chunky zip toggles are excellent for smaller hands and the zips glide open and securely closed with little effort.

It’s just the right size and suitable for myself, my wife or my boys.  It’s a great back-to-school rucksack assuming the parents don’t keep it for themselves.

To conclude, I am extremely happy with this purchase as I have been looking for an additional rucksack for the family for sometime.  I would highly recommend this particular rucksack and I an confident of many years of service from it.

We received this product at a reduced rate for an honest and unbiased review which we have given after using this product.

I do hope you found this review useful.





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